He belongs to this beautiful Mama to be I did maternity pictures for. He is so sweet and I am SOOO happy for this sweet couple.

Now this little guy was having nothing to do with sleep. He fought it the entire time I was there. To his credit they were packing up the apartment around us while I was shooting the pictures. Yep the pictures were coming off the walls and books off the book cases. Grandpa was told the only way he was getting to see Gettysburg was if the apartment got packed so he was wasting no time.

Oh and this little one is NOT a fan of the sound of packing tape tearing. He would flinch every time.. Maybe that is what caused him to flip the middle finger, and it wasn't directed at me for trying to tuck his arms down. I am going to get a complex if the newborns keep giving me the finger..

The only way we could get sleeping pictures was while he was in Mom's arms..

Dave and Emily Congrats again on your newest addition!!