I thought it would be fun to get some cute pictures of Grover to use for a Christmas card this year. Grover had other ideas.
He was not a fan of the hat.
We got a couple that were okay but not in the little area I had set up for his pictures. Grover is clearly on the top of Santa's Naughty list this year!!
I have shown pictures of where I work and mentioned it is a pretty unique place. Here is a bit more about it. The CEO and founder of the company I work for along with his daughter have spent the last 10 years or so building a very unique art collection. It is called The West Collection. Many of the pieces in the west collection are on long term loan to the company. They even have art tours that the public can sign up for.
The other night there was a networking event that started with some wine, fruit and cheese and an art tour. I got to go and snap a few shots of people enjoying the event.
Where else can you see giant shoes made entirely of licorice.
or Lit up art work made from cockroach wings. (Yes I said cockroach wings)
or large portraits of crying runny nosed toddlers. (By Canadian Photographer Jill Greenburg if you know of her)
or and enormous oil painting of a dead fly that sits right between the rest room and the cafeteria...
or one really angry giant 9+ foot giant diptych Toddler. (As a side note years ago where I sat was right in front of this giant toddler and I always felt like she was watching me...)
The great thing about being a photographer is you get to capture a lot of different things with your camera and meet all sorts of fun people. This is the 3rd year I have gone to the McNeil Service award banquet. It is always a great time, this year was no exception.
So as I sit here going through thousands of pictures trying to decide which ones to put on my website I naturally keep getting distracted by pictures I forgot I have taken. This is one of those. This is from a local park where I do quite a few sessions. There is this random roof on stilts that is surrounded by a fence, no plaque or anything explaining the significance, just a roof on stilts. I just don't "get" it. But I did like it enough to take a picture, I think I like it better in B&W but not sure!!
These next too are for a fellow Photographer whose girls were wanting to see some more pictures of Grover. So Jenn these are for your girls... They are not new but I came across them today, they are from when I was waiting for an appointment to show up this summer.
I should really be working on gathering pictures for my website but instead I found myself playing with other images. I came across these pictures of wheels I took for a work project. One is the wheel from my desk and the other is from my filed cabinet. Not something I would normally give much thought too till I looked at them from this angle, they are kind of cool looking.
Okay back to my website picture gathering, at least until I find a new distraction.
So this afternoon we were short on daylight and the sun decided to hide behind the clouds as soon as we started taking pics. However with such a cute family it was not tough to get some keepers. Even their Dog is adorable!!
Miss G was a little poser, it was easy to get cute pics of her smiling.
Little miss E took a little longer to warm up to me but as you can see she is a sweet little thing too.
We even got a few of them together
And from these pics it is very easy to see where they get their looks from.
It makes for such fun family pictures. PLus no one is freezing the minute we step outside. For this great family we went to a local college campus (Ursinus, which is where I am currently taking evening classes. I love this campus so it was fun to take some family pictures there.
After we took the family pics we got a few of the kids together and individually. Little Miss S was gettign silly by the end which kept it fun!!
All images are copyrights of Zobbie Photography (Michelle Leighton Photographer). Please do not download or copy any images with out written permission. Remember stealing isn't nice. Thank you.